The Eastern Star is depicted with the five limits, in their five respective colors. The symbol is known to many mystic, and esoteric faiths and organizations. It's commonly associated with the Druze, who generally avoid iconography but use five colors to represent the “Five Limits” as a religious symbol: green, red, yellow, blue, and white. Each color pertains to a metaphysical power called ḥaad, literally 'a limit'.
This piece is formed using the words of these five limits. Each Limit is color-coded in the following manner:
. Green for ʻAql "the Universal Mind/Intelligence/Nous"
. Red for Nafs "the Universal Soul/Self/Anima mundi"
. Yellow for Kalima "the Word/Logos",
. Blue for Sabiq "the Potentiality/Cause/Precedent"
. White for Tali "the Future/Effect/Immanence".
Ink on paper, 2020
Dimensions: 26x38cm
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